Q - What is a Premium Member? A - Someone that has paid account on the site
Q - How do I become a Premium Member? A - Send $5 PayPal to the email address
krazykracker6969@hotmail.com (include you username in the notes and also send me a PM on the site with your PayPal email)
Q - Why should I become a Premuim member? A - There are many reasons. One, you are helping us maintain the site,
get upgrades when needed, and hopefully we can start giving out cash
prizes when we have everything paid for and money left over so you
would have a chance to win your money back.
Q - What is in the Premuim forums? We have many people helping out in the premium forums. A few of the
things we have in there right now are invites to beta programs, invites
to private torrent sites, and information that should not be released
to the unpaid public.
Another advantage is another secret forum, Projects. There we explain
what we have planned for the site and we ask for premium members input. We
try to make the site for the members and we feel that the members that
help the site out the most should have a vote in what we do.
Q - Are there any other advantages? -Access to hidden forums
-Access to hidden downloads
-Premium username on forums with badge
-Request a download
-1st to test new site areas
-Access to $500 worth of FREE downloads
-Fast site speed
-Access to modding tools and how to's